Re-visioning Community Life: A Commitment and Challenge
Fr. Xavier E. Manavath CMF, conducted a seminar for the priests and religious in Macau on 3 March 2011. Fr. Xavier is currently teaching at ICLA in Manila. Fr. Alberto Rossa welcomed the gathering of over 50 religious from different communities in Macau. Bishop Joseph Lai lead the gathering into prayer
The Seminar was meant to re-vision the essence, thrust, goal and dynamics of Religious Community Living. Re-visioning things can open up our horizons and help us see things that we take for granted on a deeper ground and in a new light.
Fr. Xavier with some of the participants
It provides opportunity for re-thinking and re-grounding ourselves in the context of our own communities. After all, for the religious, community is their very home. The concern, in this Seminar, was to raise, rather, to help the participants raise certain fundamental questions which we are often glossed over or even repressed in the busy-ness of our living as a community. This was an opportunity to reflect and re-vision together!
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