Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Seven Wonders of China...

For centuries, China has withstood the test of countless wars and political struggle to become the global powerhouse that it is today. With 1.3 billion people and 55 ethnic groups thriving within its borders, China is a stronghold of culture, myth and legend. From awe-inspiring works of art to tombs shrouded in mystery, the following documentary produced by the Discovery Channel attempts to uncover China's Seven Wonders. The following video is the first of the five parts of this documentary.
Terra Cotta Warriors - (Xi'an, Shaanxi Province)
In 1974, while digging a well in the city of Xi'an, Chinese farmers discovered an underground tomb filled with 8,000 statues of ancient Chinese warriors. Created around 221 B.C., these 8,000 terra cotta warriors are said to guard Emperor Qin's tomb. According to Chinese tradition, death is simply a continuity of life. People can take their possessions with them in death. However, Emperor Qin took this belief a bit further by building a tomb that stretches 35 square miles. In spite of this great discovery in 1974, archaeologists have yet to find the riches buried somewhere near Emperor Qin's tomb. For now, much of the mystery surrounding the tomb has yet to be solved.
Hanging Monastery (Mount Hengshan, Shanxi Provinc)
Located at the foot of Mount Hengshan on the west cliff of Jinxia Gorge, the Hanging Monastery has been filling visitors with wonder for over 1,400 years. The ancient, sacred shrine stands fifteen stories above the ground and is supported only by its weathered, wooden beams. In spite of centuries of the harshest climate conditions, including a massive earthquake in 1303, the Hanging Monastery has remained unscathed. The reason for its resilience may be the structure itself. The Hanging Monastery was actually built into the sides of the cliff, giving its 40 cave rooms extra stability.

Courtesy: & the Discovery Channel

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