Sunday, May 01, 2011

An Easter Experience...

Easter is the feast of Hope. It encourages us to hope for the fulfilment of God's Divine Will. It simply reminds us that a Good Friday is definitely followed by an Easter Sunday. It also teaches us that the Cross is not the end, but the only means to resurrection. On the Easter Monday a group of faithful from Macau and Hong Kong went across the border to the Mainland, just to share this Hope with a group of people who were practically kept away by the rest of the world, for they are leprosy affected. The group visited two centers for the leprosy affected people.

One of the patient's wounds were being cleaned and dressed as they reached in the first Centre. After seeing the decaying flesh and affected bones of the patient, the attendant felt that there was lillte option for her than to amputate her. The response of the patient was most surprising: She simply said, "cut it off". Later she said, all her friends and neighbours would be sad to hear that she needs to be amputated. She was not much thinking about losing her leg, rather she was worried about how the people who were close to her would feel! Thankfully, these people know that they are not totally abandoned. There are people who love them and take care of them.

"Easter is the Feast of Rising, and this is how we raise people", said the director of the Centre as he was helping to fix an artificial leg on a young amputee. Words cannot simply express the glow on the face of the young man as he stood up and began to walk, of course with the help of crutches. The joy on the faces of the Director and other inmates resembled the joy of the Blessed Mother and the disciples on the first Easter!

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