Sunday, July 28, 2024

CMF@175 & PBF@25

Foundation Day celebrates the founding anniversaries of ministries in East Asia.

On Saturday, July 27, the Claretians in the East Asia Delegation celebrated the 175th Foundation Day of the Congregation in Macau. The liturgy was led by Bishop Stephen Lee of the Diocese of Macau, with Bishop Josep Abella, CMF, and more than twenty priests concelebrating the Mass at St. Lawrence Church. The Eucharistic Celebration was attended by over 400 religious, friends, and well-wishers of the Claretians. This event also commemorated the 70th anniveråsary of the Claretian Presence in East Asia and the 25th anniversary of the Pastoral Bible Foundation (PBF), the biblical apostolate of the Claretians in East Asia.

Historical Notes: 

Claretian Missionaries have served in the Diocese of Macau since 2006 and Hong Kong since 2011. It is 95 years since the first Claretians to China arrived in 1929 and began their work in Anhui province. Between 1930 and 1952, approximately 30 missionaries from five different countries dedicated their service to the Apostolic Prefecture of Tunxi until they were forced to close the mission in 1952. Following the closure, some of these missionaries relocated to Hong Kong to further their language studies with the intention of returning to the mission, but eventually, they departed for Japan and the Philippines.

A Barbastro martyr for China Mission

In the 1930s, young seminarians in Spain were preparing for the mission in China. Unfortunately, during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, 51 seminarians and their formators from the Claretian Seminary in Barbastro were killed by revolutionaries. Raphael Briega, who was studying Chinese to join the China Mission, was among these martyrs. Pope St. John Paul II beatified these 51 martyrs, including Raphael Briega, in 1992. As a token of gratitude, the missionaries contemplated sending missionaries to Chinese-speaking regions again and established a mission centre in Taiwan in 1994. Over the last thirty years, missionaries have been providing service to indigenous communities and parishes under the Diocese of Taipei. Additionally, there's a training program for young Claretians from the Chinese region in Taiwan.

Pastoral Bible Foundation (PBF)

A decade later, Father Alberto Rossa, who was then the director of Claretian Publications in Manila, arrived in Macau to continue the publishing ministry for the Chinese audience. Since its founding in Macau in 2006, Claretian Publications and Pastoral Bible Foundation have focused on providing affordable access to the Bible and biblical literature for Chinese readers. 

“Rooted in the Word, audacious in the proclamation” is the motto of the Pastoral Bible Foundation and Claretian Publications in China, Macau, and Hong Kong. PBF was an initiative of Father Rossa, established in 1999 in Manila, the Philippines. The PBF's primary focus is translating and publishing Bibles, and it has already published Bibles in 12 languages. Currently, the PBF oversees a group of biblical scholars and language experts who translate the pastoral Bible into modern Chinese. 

New translation of the Chinese Bible 

A new translation of the New Testament in Chinese with commentaries and Lectio Divina for every chapter was published in 2014. The translation of the Old Testament books into traditional and simplified Chinese is nearing completion. A guide for Lectio Divina for each chapter or paragraph of the Bible makes this Bible unique in the world. Once completed, the Bible Translation project would be the most significant contribution of the Claretians to the Catholic Chinese-speaking world.

PBF Online 

The missionaries in Macau and Hong Kong, offer commentaries and Lectio Divina for each chapter of every book of the Bible on their online platforms. In-depth commentaries on the three readings of the Sunday liturgy, daily reflections on the Gospel of the day, and liturgy aids are available in text, audio, or video formats on the web page of PBF, .  

These materials are available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, and others. A group of committed volunteers contributes to the translation of biblical texts into various languages. Daily updates are done on social media channels such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Pocket Bible from CLARET Hong Kong

The Gospels of Mark and Luke in pocket-size

While instituting the annual celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God on the third Sunday of ordinary time of the liturgical calendar, Pope Francis said, “I remind you of something I have said other times: Let’s have a small gospel, a pocket-size gospel, to take in your bag, always with us. And when there is a moment during the day, read something from the gospel. It is Jesus who accompanies us.” 

Responding to the Pope's invitation, Claretian Publications Hong Kong launched a new project, The Gospel of the Liturgical Year, in 2023. The project presents the texts of the Gospels of Mark and Luke in a size similar to that of a standard smartphone, making the Gospel a convenient pocket companion. 

Using your smartphone, scan the embedded QR Codes, which provide direct access to insightful commentary by two Italian biblical scholars: Father Fernando Armellini and Father Claudio Doglio. The booklet of the Gospel of Luke is linked to 47 videos by Father Armellini and 12 videos by Father Doglio. These commentaries on the gospel examine Jesus' teachings, parables, and miracles, offering a deeper understanding of the text. 

Grab your copy of the booklet today to fall in love with the Word of God and make it your constant companion. Feel free to contact us if you wish to have this booklet for your parish or community evangelisation activities or to gift it to friends and contacts. Let us join the evangelising mission of the Church.




使用你的智慧型手機,掃描嵌入的二維碼,即可直接存取兩位義大利聖經學者:費爾南多.阿梅利尼神父(Fr. Fernando Armellini)和克勞迪奧.督利奧神父(Fr. Claudio Doglio)的富有洞察力的評論。 《路加福音》袖珍本連結到阿梅利尼神父的 47 個視頻和督利奧神父的 12 個視頻。這些福音評論檢視了耶穌的教導、比喻和奇蹟,讓人們對經文有更深入的理解。


Claretian Mission @ 30 in Taiwan

Karaoke International Version for CMF@175

30 years of Claretian Mission in Taiwan 

This was a lovely celebration marking the 175th anniversary of the founding of our CLARETIAN Congregation and our 30th year in Taiwan! We are grateful to the Lord for His unwavering support and guidance.  The Claretian Missionaries have been making a significant impact in Taiwan for the past 30 years. Their journey began when they established a mission center in Taiwan in 1994, as a token of gratitude. Over these three decades, the missionaries have dedicated themselves to serving indigenous communities and parishes under the Diocese of Taipei. 

Also, we marked the Perpetual Profession of Two of our younger brothers (Joseph and Tam). We congratulate them! We express special thanks to the Dominican sisters for allowing us to utilize their stunning venue. His Excellency Archbishop Zhonganzhu of Taipei presided over the liturgy and the festivities, which were attended by friends, well-wishers, priests, sisters, and various religious communities.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

175 Years of Claretian Mission

Claretian Missionaries, a religious congregation founded by St. Antony Mary Claret and five companions on 16 July 1849 in Vic, Spain, are celebrating the 175th anniversary of their foundation on July 16. In the East Asia region, the Foundation Day celebrations are scheduled to take place in Macau on July 27. The occasion will also mark the 25th anniversary of the Pastoral Bible Foundation (PBF), the biblical apostolate of the Claretians in East Asia. Claretian Missionaries have served in the Diocese of Macau since 2006 and Hong Kong since 2011.

“A Son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a man on fire with love who spreads its flames wherever he goes. He desires mightily and strives by all means possible to set everyone on fire with God’s love…. His only concern is how he may follow Christ and imitate him in praying, working, enduring and striving constantly and solely for the greater glory of God and the salvation of humankind.” 

This is how St. Antony Claret, who founded the missionary community of the Sons of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CMF), later known as the Claretian Missionaries, described his missionary companions. The Congregation began with six diocesan priests and now has over 3000 missionaries serving in 72 countries.

Although St. Claret and the co-founders did not specify any specific approach as the mission of the Congregation, the charism of the missionary community was to share the joy of the Gospel using every available method in a timely and effective manner. As a result, the missionaries identify themselves as "Servants of the Word" and serve the disadvantaged, those in need, and the youth worldwide through publications, social initiatives, education, healthcare, and assistance to migrants and refugees.

The Claretian Mission in Macau and Hong Kong, though established in 2006, has its roots in China, where the first missionaries arrived in 1929 and began their work in Anhui province. Between 1930 and 1952, approximately 30 missionaries from five different nationalities dedicated their service to the Apostolic Prefecture of Tunxi until they were forced to close the mission in 1952. Following the closure, some of these missionaries relocated to Hong Kong to further their language studies with the intention of returning to the mission, but eventually, they departed for Japan and the Philippines.

In the 1930s, young seminarians in Spain were preparing for the mission in China. Unfortunately, during the Spanish Civil War in 1936, 51 seminarians and their formators from the Claretian Seminary in Barbastro were killed by revolutionaries. Raphael Briega, who was studying Chinese to join the China Mission, was among these martyrs. Pope St. John Paul II beatified these 51 martyrs, including Raphael Briega, in 1992. As a token of gratitude, the missionaries contemplated sending missionaries to Chinese-speaking regions again and established a mission centre in Taiwan in 1994. Over the last thirty years, missionaries have been providing service to indigenous communities and parishes under the Diocese of Taipei. Additionally, there's a training program for young Claretians from the Chinese region in Taiwan.

A decade later, Father Alberto Rossa, who was then the director of Claretian Publications in Manila, arrived in Macau to continue the publishing ministry for the Chinese audience. Since its founding in Macau in 2006, Claretian Publications and Pastoral Bible Foundation have focused on providing affordable access to the Bible and biblical literature for Chinese readers. 

“Rooted in the Word, audacious in the proclamation” is the motto of the Pastoral Bible Foundation and Claretian Publications in China, Macau, and Hong Kong. Claretians expanded their presence to Hong Kong in 2011 when Missionaries from India spent their initial years learning the language at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Later, they began to serve in parishes under the dioceses of Macau and Hong Kong. 

Father Jojo Ancheril served in St. Lawrence parish in Macau for ten years before transferring to Hong Kong. Fathers Alberto Rossa, Joskutty Mathew, and Ezakias Antonyswamy serve in Epiphany Parish, Lantau, and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Cheung Chau. In Macau and Hong Kong, besides the parish ministry, the missionaries explored the possibilities of a media apostolate. Father Jijo Kandamkulathy heads the publishing ministry in Macau with the assistance of Brother Thomas. 

Claretians have focused on providing new translations, printing, and publishing the Bible for more than a hundred years, particularly in Spain, Brazil, Argentina, and the USA. Claretian Publications (Philippines) has been translating the Bible into various languages, such as Korean, Vietnamese, Bahasa, French, English, and several Filipino languages, since 1986.

The missionaries in Macau and Hong Kong, in addition to their publication ministry, offer free commentaries and Lectio Divina for each chapter of every book of the Bible on their online platforms. In-depth commentaries on the three readings of the Sunday liturgy, daily reflections on the Gospel of the day, and liturgy aids are available in text, audio, or video formats on the web page of PBF, All these materials are available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Italian and others. The assistance of a group of committed volunteers contributes to the translation of biblical texts into various languages. Daily updates are made to our social media channels on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify.

The primary focus of the PBF lies in translating and publishing Bibles, and it has already published Bibles in 12 languages. Currently, PBF oversees a group of Biblical Scholars and language experts who translate the pastoral Bible into modern Chinese. A new translation of the New Testament in Chinese with commentaries and Lectio Divina for every chapter was published in 2014. The translation of the Old Testament books into traditional and simplified Chinese is nearing completion. A guide for Lectio Divina for each chapter or paragraph of the Bible makes this Bible unique in the world. Once completed, the Bible Translation project would be the most significant contribution of the Claretians to the Catholic Chinese-speaking world.

In 2015, the Claretians established a community in Hong Kong after the diocese entrusted them with the pastoral care of Epiphany Parish in Lantau Island. Over the years, the missionaries made efforts to support the scattered Catholic population in various villages on the extensive Lantau Island. In addition to offering faith formation through Bible classes and devotional activities, the parish regularly organized programs to care for the poor and elderly by distributing food and necessities in all the centres.

Parish Pastoral ministry provided the foundation for reaching out to the poor and most needy, particularly those affected by Hansen’s disease in southern China. During these years of visits and service to these people in the peripheries, the greatest treasure the Lord has provided the missionaries with is a committed group of lay associates. “The Mothers’ Meal: Family to Family Support” was an initiative of the Claretians in Macau to reach out to the most needy of society during the pandemic times. With the help of socially committed volunteers, the initiative provided food and provisions to several families. 

The organisation known as Candle Light Hong Kong, a charitable group, was officially established in 2016 under the guidance of the Claretians in Hong Kong and Macau. This organization oversees various social welfare initiatives in China and other parts of Asia. Candle Light has initiated several welfare projects thanks to the generous support of numerous friends and donors in Hong Kong and Macau. These projects include providing housing for individuals affected by leprosy in China, supporting the educational requirements of underprivileged children in Nepal, conducting relief and housing efforts for flood victims in India, offering medical aid to economically disadvantaged patients in the Philippines and India, and providing assistance to refugees in Poland, among other endeavours.

The number of Claretians working in the area is not many, but the Lord has greatly multiplied their efforts! This truly represents the fulfilment of the Gospel’s promise of a hundred-fold outcome! Each anniversary and jubilee are a time to express gratitude to the Lord for the past and a chance to renew the commitment for the future. We stand in gratitude to the pioneers for their witness of life with a promise to offer our lives for Christ’s Mission entrusted to us in the Church through the Congregation.