Monday, July 22, 2024

Pocket Bible from CLARET Hong Kong

The Gospels of Mark and Luke in pocket-size

While instituting the annual celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God on the third Sunday of ordinary time of the liturgical calendar, Pope Francis said, “I remind you of something I have said other times: Let’s have a small gospel, a pocket-size gospel, to take in your bag, always with us. And when there is a moment during the day, read something from the gospel. It is Jesus who accompanies us.” 

Responding to the Pope's invitation, Claretian Publications Hong Kong launched a new project, The Gospel of the Liturgical Year, in 2023. The project presents the texts of the Gospels of Mark and Luke in a size similar to that of a standard smartphone, making the Gospel a convenient pocket companion. 

Using your smartphone, scan the embedded QR Codes, which provide direct access to insightful commentary by two Italian biblical scholars: Father Fernando Armellini and Father Claudio Doglio. The booklet of the Gospel of Luke is linked to 47 videos by Father Armellini and 12 videos by Father Doglio. These commentaries on the gospel examine Jesus' teachings, parables, and miracles, offering a deeper understanding of the text. 

Grab your copy of the booklet today to fall in love with the Word of God and make it your constant companion. Feel free to contact us if you wish to have this booklet for your parish or community evangelisation activities or to gift it to friends and contacts. Let us join the evangelising mission of the Church.




使用你的智慧型手機,掃描嵌入的二維碼,即可直接存取兩位義大利聖經學者:費爾南多.阿梅利尼神父(Fr. Fernando Armellini)和克勞迪奧.督利奧神父(Fr. Claudio Doglio)的富有洞察力的評論。 《路加福音》袖珍本連結到阿梅利尼神父的 47 個視頻和督利奧神父的 12 個視頻。這些福音評論檢視了耶穌的教導、比喻和奇蹟,讓人們對經文有更深入的理解。


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