Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Two Missionary Giants. . .

Fr. Luis Ruiz seen seated and Fr. Thomas Peyton in the extreme right

These are Fr. Luis Ruiz, 97 years old; and Fr. Thomas Peyton.
I am copying from one of the many blogs about Fr. Luis Ruiz:
“In China, thousands of lepers and their families are being cared for, and are finding hope and love, through the work of a remarkable man. He is Father Luis Ruiz, a Jesuit priest, who treks about the Chinese mainland finding colonies of lepers eking out an existence without the most basic necessities.
“Statistics are cold-blooded counters that say nothing of the love that is the stock in trade of the men and women committed to caring for these least of our brethren. Nonetheless the statistics are impressive:
• Over 8000 patients cared for in 139 centers; the families and children of many of the lepers are also ministered to;
• Fifteen roads built, 17 schools, 5 bridges;
• Seven mobile clinics manned and operated;
• Twenty-five systems for clean drinking water established; 21 systems for electricity.”

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