Saturday, September 01, 2012

Preparing for the "Year of Faith"

Bishop Lucas Li, the 90 years old Bishop of the Diocese of Feng Xiang in Shaanxi province has issued a beautiful pastoral letter in preparation for Year of Faith.
Bishop Lucas Li, Feng Xiang, China

The pastoral letter contains 22 points to help the faithful prepare for the Year of Faith which will begin on 11 October 2012

The following are the topics covered: the crisis of faith in today's world, faith and superstition, the revelation of God, the transmission of revelation, scripture, tradition and Magisterium of the Church, the living testimony of faith (following the example of the saints and martyrs), the letters of the "apostles of today" (relevant documents of the Magisterium) etc.
Shaanxi Province, China

Bishop Li proposes concrete ways to celebrate the Year of Faith: First the priests must give an example of a strong faith life, should organize study classes of the Documents of Vatican II, Scripture and other relevant texts. The religious and Catholic associations' members must commit to live their own charisms. All parishes should have curricula of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (two issues per week) and daily recitation of the Rosary. It is not allowed to mix folk songs with sacred songs during the celebrations. It concludes by invoking the intercession of Our Lady of China.

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