Sunday, March 01, 2009

About our work…

China Leprosy Service

This month we received the visit of Fr. Luis Gutheinz, S.J. and his team of China Leprosy Service, of which Fr. Luis is the director. He presented a 40-page report for the year 2008 on the work being done in China and Taiwan with leprosy patients.

What is very interesting is that Fr. Luis is one of the most distinguished theologians and professors in China and Taiwan. He is Austrian but speaks perfect Chinese! Let me just mention that he and his team are now finishing the Chinese translation of Denzinger.

What is Denzinger?

Denzinger is a handbook containing a collection of the chief decrees and definitions of councils, list of condemned propositions, etc., beginning with the oldest forms of the Apostles' Creed.

The latest editions have added doctrinal statements of the second half of the twentieth century, including the teachings of the Second Vatican Council and recent Popes.

By no means all the entries are conciliar or papal ex cathedra definitions, but they are all considered to be of high authority for knowing the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.

This famous theologian and good friend, who also has a very important role in the preparation of the new Chinese Pastoral Bible, is equally committed with the China Leprosy Center.

This is what he tells us:
“… We cherish the sincere hope that more religious
congregations and volunteers will join us
in this ‘beautiful thing,’
i.e. in the service of our leprosy friends
in Taiwan and China Mainland.

These are our special goals
for the YEAR 2009:

• to have a new community of Sisters
in Ganduo leprosy village (Jiangsu Province)
and in Hiudong (Sichuan Province);

• to enlarge the service area of the “Mobile Team,”
including leprosy patients in Xichang city
and in the earthquake area of Sichuan Province;

• to arrange a regular spiritual service
to the Sisters in the various leprosaria.

Indeed, united and together
– always affirming the creative presence of the Triune God
– we can move mountains!”

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