Tuesday, November 01, 2016

Frankfurt Book Fair

The Claret Publishing Group booth in the Frankfurt Book Fair
Claretian Publications has got some special connections with the Frankfurt Book Fair! Yes, for the past 31 years, Fr. Alberto has been a faithful attendant of the world's largest book fair! He represented the Claretian Publications in the Philippines in the early years and continued with the projects of the Publications and Pastoral Bible Foundation, in Macau and Hong Kong. 
Claretian Publishers from around the world 
The Frankfurt Book Fair is one place where books are not sold! What people buy and sell are the "rights" for the printing and publishing of the books. Fr. Alberto feels that it was with the possibility of meeting the publishers in the book fair, especially those from the United States, the Publications in the Philippines and in Macau and Hong Kong have succeeded. It is also an occasion to meet and strengthen the friendships with the publishers around the world. 
Evaluation gathering of the Claretian Editors 
This time around, the Claret Group of Publications had representatives from Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Bangalore (India), Yaoundé (Cameroon), Argentina, Brazil, the Philippines, Macau and Hong Kong. 

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